These Steezy Bad Boys Are Popping Up At A Popular Woodlands Cafe Next Friday

Steezburger Pop Up With Oh So Deli
Home >News >These Steezy Bad Boys Are Popping Up At A Popular Woodlands Cafe Next Friday

We know what you’re going to say… A burger pop up? In Perth? Groundbreaking.

Well, hold your cynical horses, because we know you’re going to be excited for this one. Next Friday, (the 29th, mark your diary!) Smashburger aficionados Steezburger will be joining forces with truly excellent sandwich spot Oh So Deli, for a night of deluxe deliciousness. Just cop a look at that!

Steezburger Pop Up With Oh So Deli

As well as Steezburger’s smashed burgs, the Woodvale deli will be slinging their signature hot sandos and chippies from 4pm ’til 7 – plus some thickshakes to wash it all down, of course.

Steezburger Pop Up With Oh So Deli

For updates, check out Oh So Deli’s Instagram HERE, or Steezburger’s Instagram HERE.

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