New bridges to be “launched” over Mitchell Freeway at Stephenson Avenue Extension

The next stage of the Stephenson Avenue Extension will see two new bridges built over the Mitchell Freeway to ease congestion in Perth.
Both bridges are being constructed to support the new Stephenson Avenue Interchange and the Stirling Station Bus Interchange.
The entire project is expected to cost $288 million and this aspect of it is the most crucial stage with construction of the bridges set to take six months.
“People driving along the Mitchell Freeway have probably noticed the significant amount of work happening along this section, but these bridge launches will take things to the next level,” said Transport Minister Rita Saffioti.
“Over the next six months, people will see these bridges gradually emerging over the Mitchell Freeway, but the construction method we’re using means that access for road users and train commuters will be maintained.”
Construction workers will employ a unique construction method, which will see the bridges progressively built and “launched” from one side of the freeway to the other.
The advanced construction technique will allow commuters to maintain access to the Mitchell Freeway and train services.
Permanent and temporary piers have already been constructed on the freeway which will support casting beds, where reinforced concrete bridge sections are poured and cured, before being “launched” into place over live traffic conditions.
In addition, a temporary bus entrance has been constructed, to ensure buses continue to run as normal, during the works.
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As well as the two bridges over the freeway, phase two of the project will see a new shared path on Telford Crescent, an underpass under Stephenson Avenue, modifications to Mitchell Freeway and Cedric Street interchange, new access to Stirling Station car park, and an upgrade to Stirling Bus Interchange.
The project represents an important investment into local road, public transport and cycling and walking infrastructure, and will change the way people access the area, supporting economic growth and local jobs.
“This Stephenson Avenue Extension project is transformational for this part of our city, and will make a big difference to the way people commute and get around,” added Ms Saffioti.
“We are completely changing the way local residents and visitors will access this area, while creating more opportunity, by opening up undeveloped land near the freeway and Stirling Station.”
Image Credit: Main Roads