Visitors to Western Australia spent almost $17 billion here in the last financial year

New figures released by Tourism Research Australia this week have revealed a 24% increase in visitor spend in Western Australia compared to pre-pandemic numbers.
In the 2022-23 financial year international and national visitors spent a record $16.8 billion in our State, up from 13.5 billion in 2019.
Of that spend, $2 billion is attributed to 688,000 international visitors, while visitor spending in regional WA increased from $6.8 billion from the previous to $7.7 billion.
This included $3.3 billion in the South West, $2 billion in the North West, $1.2 billion in the
Coral Coast and $1.2 billion in Australia’s Golden Outback.
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Visitors from the UK, Singapore, New Zealand, the USA and Malaysia comprised of half of all overseas travellers, with visitors from India and Italy also large at or above 2019 levels.
These results make WA the top performing state in the country with regards to international spend recovery.
“This impressive figure is so much more than a number – it represents a significant injection into the WA economy and a boost to our tourism industry, which helps to create new employment opportunities and deliver revenue to business operators,” said WA Tourism Minister Rita Saffioti.
“[The WA Government] continue to work hard to keep attracting major blockbuster and exclusive events like the WWE, Coldplay and the Matildas to WA,” she said.
“Plus keep up the number of mass participation events we host around the calendar which bring people to WA and boost our local economy.”