WA’s Borders Will Close At Midnight This Sunday

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Hands up if this past month has made you appreciate just how isolated we are in Perth and Western Australia?

We’re about to become even more so, with WA Premier Mark McGowan announcing that WA’s borders will officially close as of 11:59pm this Sunday 5 April.

In another lengthy Facebook post, the Premier made mention that we are doing well as a state to slow the spread of coronavirus, “but we cannot afford to take our foot off the pedal.”

McGowan stated that anyone from WA who is over east at the moment and wants to come home should do so immediately (at which point they’ll go into 14 days of self-isolation).

He also said in no uncertain terms, “If you are an eastern-stater, and thinking about visiting WA – forget about it.”

It continues are hard line of messaging from the WA Premier as he seeks to control the spread of coronavirus in Western Australia.

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There are of course some exemptions, that are still being finalised but will include:

– Health services
– Emergency service workers
– Transport, freight and logistics
– Specialists skills, not available in WA,
– National or State security and governance, and
– Courts and judicial services.

There will also “be exemptions for FIFO workers and their families, however strict 14-day self-isolation measures will need to be followed, when they first enter the State.”

You can read the full post below:

Up to date COVID-19 advice from the WA Health Department: HERE

Up to date COVID-19 advice from the Australian Health Department: HERE