WA households to receive energy bill credit from today

Starting today, every household in Western Australia will receive a minimum of $200 credit applied to their July-August power bills.
Announced as part of the 2023-24 State Budget, the $200 credit is the first of two instalments, with another $200 credit being applied to the November-December billing cycle.
While every household will receive a minimum of $400 total credit to help relieve cost of living pressures, 350,000 vulnerable households receiving the Energy Assistance Payment will receive an additional $100 split over the two payments. Some small businesses are also eligible for a $650 energy credit.
“Every single WA household will benefit from this credit – and we’re providing extra support for those most in need,” said Premier Roger Cook.
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“This across-the-board rebate of at least $200 comes in the peak of winter and will support families and businesses with their heating costs, and the second instalment will provide relief in the upcoming warmer months.”
The credits have automatically been applied to Synergy and Horizon Power electricity accounts – if you are not billed by either supplier for your electricity, application for the credit can be made through RevenueWA.
As well as credits applied to energy bills, the Community Energy program will further relieve cost of living pressure by providing 10 units of free electricity between 9AM and 3PM to over 9,000 households experiencing financial hardship.
“This will bring the cost of electricity down for those experiencing financial hardship while also making use of the energy being generated by solar panels during the day,” explained Energy Minister Bill Johnston.
Supplied by excess off-peak power from rooftop systems, the 10 units are equivalent to approximately 75% of an average household’s daily use.