Western Australia’s Hard Border Will Come Down On March 3

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Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan has today announced that the State’s hard border to the rest of the country will come down, effective from 12.01am on Thursday 3 March.

“March 3 will be a step forward for Western Australia. A safe step forward, taken at the right time, in the right way.”

During a press conference this afternoon the Premier acknowledged this period of uncertainty had been difficult for some, but it had allowed WA to prepare as best as possible for increase COVID cases.

“We have driven up our vaccination levels, with our third dose rates soaring from 25 per cent then, to more than 55 per cent today, and expected to climb to 70 per cent by March 3.”

The new rules for national arrivals are below:

“We have the supplies, we have the policy settings. We have one of the most vaccinated populations in the world,” Mr McGowan said.

UPDATE: The Government has also confirmed that new public health measures will take effect from 6pm, Monday 21 February.

In a statement released by the government late on Friday afternoon, it was revealed new Level 1 public health measures to help manage the virus’s spread across the State will be introduced/

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In addition to the existing indoor mask requirements, proof of vaccination, contact registration and restrictions to remote Aboriginal communities, Level 1 measures also include:

– home gatherings limited to a total of 30 people;
– private outdoor gatherings (not at a private residence) limited to a total of 200 people;
– two square metre rule introduced for hospitality, fitness venues, entertainment venues, cultural venues, places of worship, hairdressers and beauty services;
– 75 per cent capacity for seated entertainment venues (forward facing), such as theatres and cinemas;
– 75 per cent capacity for major stadia such as Optus Stadium, RAC Arena, HBF Stadium (main area) and HBF Park;
– two square metre rule for Perth Crown Complex and seated service only on the casino gaming floor;
– 500-person capacity limit at nightclubs, in addition to the two square metre rule;
– visitation at residential aged care and disability care facilities, and hospitals limited to four visitors per patient/resident per day, exemptions for compassionate reasons;
– COVID Event Checklists required for events with more than 500 patrons and less than 1,000 patrons and COVID Event Plans required for large events with 1,000 patrons and above;
– COVID Safety Plans to be expanded to early childhood education and childcare services, hairdressers and barbers, and encouraged for all workplaces; and
– workplaces should implement COVID-19 safe settings to manage workforce impacts.

You no longer need to show proof of vaccination at bottle shops, thanks to WA achieving more than 95 per cent double dose vaccination.

“The months ahead will be bumpy for some, including for small businesses, but we know Western Australians will come together to protect themselves and each other – just as they have done before,” said Premier McGowan.

For more information on public health and social measures, please visit www.wa.gov.au.