10 Photos Of Smiling Quokkas To Help Brighten Your Day

Home >Perth & Surrounds >10 Photos Of Smiling Quokkas To Help Brighten Your Day

The name “quokka” comes from the name given to the animal by the Aboriginal people living in the Augusta and King George Sound area of the south-west of Western Australia.
There are around 10,000 quokkas currently living on Rottnest Island, about 700 on Bald Island off Albany and an estimated 4,000 living on the mainland in very small groups throughout the South-West.

Below are 10 of our favourite photos of them cracking a smile; have a scroll and try tell us they’re not the happiest animal on earth!

10) By @alexkyddphoto

9) By @strategicmom

8) By @margotrobbie

7) By @cruzysuzy 

6) A quokka eating their love heart shaped dinner by @cruzysuzy

5) By @daxon

4) By @leebram7

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3) By @rogerfederer

2) By @misakityk 

1) By @cambojones2020

Quokkas are listed as a vulnerable species. To keep them happy and healthy make sure you don’t touch them (even when trying to get your selfie) and definitely don’t give them food!

Source: http://wildlife.rottnestisland.com/land/fauna/quokka