We got the scoop on your new Italo-Ice Cream obsession, Dumbo Gelato in Scarborough

Home >Eat & Drink >We got the scoop on your new Italo-Ice Cream obsession, Dumbo Gelato in Scarborough

If you hadn’t noticed, we’re pretty obsessed with ice cream and gelato around Perth. It seems like every week there’s a new joint opening up, and with summer looming large, the more merrier!

Indeed, we’re spoilt for choice (just check out 10 of our favourite places HERE), and new joint Dumbo Gelato has us salivating once again.

Created by the team behind by fave boozeries El Grotto and Si Paradiso, Dumbo Gelato recently took up residence just down the road from Grotto on the Scarborough beach strip. With the redevelopment fully complete, Scarborough is going to be THE place to be this summer, and Dumbo Gelato looks to have you sorted for delectable Italian ice cream delights.

We caught up with owner Kane Hipper (pictured middle below, with sister Stevie Gale and mum Debra Gale) to find out a little more about the space and what we can expect from their menu.

First up, congrats on the new gelato store! Can you give us a bit of history on its genesis and why you decided to open one?

Thank you, we couldn’t be happier. It came about as a family project with my folks and namely my sister Stevie. We have wanted to open a gelato shop for several years now. She has always been very talented in the kitchen, and its safe to say we both love gelato, I have a huge sweet tooth.

We hear you trekked to Italy to do some research, what did you learn while you were there, and what did you bring back with you?

I travelled over with the group from Dumbo and Si Paradiso for Cale Mason (Si Paradiso)’s wedding and some R&D for a month or so then met up with Stevie in Bologna to study at Carpigiani Gelato University.

The whole experience was very special to say the least, spending three full weeks with my sister (something I hadn’t done since we were kids in the family home) in the middle of Bologna learning the art of making gelato from some masters in the game is something I will always hold dear.

We went into it not expecting it to be so intense and action packed, it’s fair to say my maths and chemistry from earlier schooling years were put to the test! We brought back a wealth of knowledge, passion and a newfound appreciation for quality artisanal gelato, its production and the history behind it.

Can you give us a little run-down of the Gelato process at Dumbo?

Our gelato is made fresh in the shop every day, using local natural ingredients, fresh seasonal fruit, and organic milk from Margaret River. We use as little sugar as we can to let the vibrant flavours of our premium produce shine through, this is the true difference between gelato and some other forms of frozen dessert; fresh produce not masked by other ingredients, rather championed to allow the true and natural profile of flavours come to the foray.

Stevie and I regularly brainstorm flavour ideas, which are guided by what seasonal produce is available and influenced by other producers and suppliers we admire to collaborate with. We are very fortunate to have access to an amazing orchard on our aunty’s farm in Bindoon that has a diverse and unique range of fruits to play with. Mulberry and watermelon, Rosella and Feijoa are some flavours from the farm we are playing with currently.

You can also expect a collab with Courtney Smith (who is part of the team behind Dumbo, along with James Pedlow and Riley Younger from Grotto / Si)’s café Someday Coffee Co. very soon. Their crowd favourite choc fudge brownie smashed through our almond milk based choc gelato, we can confirm it’s tasting bloody good.

Once we have brainstormed, it’s over to Stevie to work her magic in balancing the recipe and cooking the gelato. You can catch her in the shop everyday whipping up our range of flavours!

What flavours can we expect at the store?

Half of our range is vegan, the majority gluten free, with a range of alcoholic flavours available. Fully organic and sugar free options are imminent also. You can expect traditional essentials like Pistachio and Hazlenut with 100% Italian nuts. Australian classics like Pavlova, Milo Milkshake and Lamington.

Fresh seasonal sorbets like Blood Orange, Mulberry and Mango as well as alcoholic options drawing from our bar background with the likes of our Tommy’s Margarita, Limoncello Spritz or Negroni.

You can also expect some more unusual flavours still with an Australian twist, like our Native Australian Wattleseed & Macadamia or for the more adventurous, Cheese & Vegemite, which is our take on salted caramel. We substitute the salt for vegemite in the caramel, mix it with a sweet and soft mascarpone and cream cheese resulting in a very Italo~Australian hybrid which has to be tasted at least once.

This is your third venue to open after Si Paradiso and El Grotto down the road, what lessons from those places do you carry into something like Dumbo Gelato?

We strive to create a unique and memorable experience for all of our guests at each of our venues, Dumbo is no exception. From the materials chosen in the fit out, to the music playing through the space, to the level of customer service we train our team to provide, enjoying the flavour of our artisanal gelato is only one piece of a larger experience we aim to deliver to each of our valued guests.

Whether its sourcing premium ingredients like Agave Spirits from Mexico for Grotto, Natural Wine from Italy for Si or Organic Milk from Margaret River for Dumbo, our approach to utilise the best produce translates into everything we do in striving to provide the best experience we can for our guest.

You must be looking forward to another busy summer along Scarborough now that the redevelopment is complete, how are the warmer months looking across the board?

Sunny afternoons on the Esplanade are definitely a lot more enjoyable with the new development. It’s the perfect place to come and enjoy a gelato or sorbet.

What’s your take on the Perth hospitality scene at the moment, just in terms of overall vibe, and how you’re faring?

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Perth has had a bunch of great new venues/businesses open recently, there is so much to offer throughout our lovely city, I think the overall feel is a buzz as we venture out of winter and into these spring and summer months.

Follow Dumbo Gelato on Facebook / Instagram.

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