People Around Australia Are Getting Dressed Up To Take Their Bins Out And Sharing It Online

In case you’ve been living under a rock (which to be fair, is probably the safest place to live at the moment), things are pretty bleak outside.
The coronavirus is having an unprecedented impact on all aspects of our way of life, and no doubt you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with the constant stream of dread flooding through your TVs and social media.
Fortunately we’re also starting to see the best side of humanity. From neighbour outreach programs, local business support and hotels opening up to the homeless to charity support, we’re starting to see the best in people (now that everyone’s stocked up on TP).
Online communities are also springing up every day, bringing people together whilst they do the right thing and self-isolate to slow the virus’ spread.
And we thought we’d seen it all until we stumbled across the Bin Isolation Outing Group on Facebook.
It was only started up four days ago in Queensland, but has quickly spread around the country and already has over 70K members at the time of publishing!
The group ethos is simple, and is bringing a lot of joy to a lot of people at the moment:
“So basically the bin goes out more than us SO let’s dress up for the occasion! Fancy dress, makeup, tutu ….be creative! Post photos to cheer us up 😝 after all laughter is the best medicine 😷”
In times like these community is more important than ever, and the Bin Isolation Outing community is one we reckon everyone can get behind.
Here’s a few pearlers, but we recommend getting amongst it and having a bit of fun next bin day.

By Yuson Vivane via Facebook.

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By Rod Bailey via Facebook.

By Nicole Watson via Facebook.

This and header photo by Nadene Dresens via Facebook.