How Safe Is Your Driving? This New RAC App Can Tell You!

RAC Go Safe Driving App
Home >Lifestyle >How Safe Is Your Driving? This New RAC App Can Tell You!

We all have a friend that reckons they’re the best driver ever – or perhaps you’re the one making the big, bold claims about your extraordinary prowess behind the wheel? 

There’s now a way to objectively assess how good your driving really is, and it’s as easy as downloading the free RAC Go app, getting behind the wheel and enjoying the ride!

To use the app, you don’t even have to do anything different– just have your phone in the car with you (but of course don’t use it while driving). The app learns from the trips you take, whether you’re in a car, on a bus or on a train and becomes more accurate with each drive. Riding in the car as a passenger? No problem, you can edit your trip to make sure your top score remains intact.

RAC Go Safe Driving App

The app will assess your speed, focus and harsh movements during the ride, crunch the numbers and give you an overall driving score for you to compare with your mates.

If your score isn’t quite where you’d like it to be, the app also provides coaching and insights to help you become an even safer driver, including challenges and tips to keep you focused.

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Plus, you can settle the score with any big-talking mates once and for all with the app’s leaderboard, battling it out to see who’s the safest driver of all!

And while the app is made by RAC, you don’t have to be a member to use it. You don’t even have to be in WA! RAC Go is available nationwide to anyone over the age of 17 – to help  everyone become a safer driver.

To find out more, head to, or download RAC Go for free from the App Store or Google Play. RAC Go T&Cs apply.

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