Reconnecting WA: How this community space scored a full makeover in just 7 days

If the last few years have (hopefully) taught us anything, it’s the importance of human connection and community.
One positive result of this has been an increased focus on public spaces, and how they can be transformed to become more welcoming areas that bring people together.
RAC’s Reconnect WA program is one initiative in Western Australia that’s been spearheading the reimagining and revitalising of streets and public spaces, and among many successful stories so far has been the transformation of Wellard Village in Kwinana in just seven days!

The Wellard community came together to share ideas, vote, plan and deliver a variety of placemaking projects over one week in April this year, working with David Engwicht from Creative Communities International.
Engwicht developed the 7-Day Makeover concept in response to community projects so often taking forever (or never even happening) thanks to endless debates, reports and red tape.
And with some funding from RAC Reconnect WA and the City of Kwinana, the community came together with Town Team members and RAC volunteers to complete the Wellard Village makeover in just seven days!
This included a heap of colour added to the streets, outdoor seating, nature play around, garden beds, an outdoor arcade and more, all in service of creating spaces for community members to sit, play and interact with each other and increase the vibrancy of the area.
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Not only did the project work with the Wellard community, it engaged with local young people to incorporate youth-specific elements, which encouraged them to plan and deliver their own projects.
During the weeklong makeover, over 20 enthusiastic young people rolled up their sleeves to lead project groups and acquire hands-on skills to complete three main projects: The Arcade, Belle’s Well and hexagon seating.
Learn more about how RAC is revitalising public spaces and laying the foundation to support safe, sustainable, and connected communities here.
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