10 Simple Steps Towards Reaching Local Legend Status

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46Whether it’s people close to you, or ones you don’t even know having a tougher go of things, embracing the people around you (even digitally) is so important.

If you’re someone that’s already looking out for and supporting the community around you – we reckon that makes you a local legend.

And if you’re looking to up your own Local Legend status, here’s a few simple ways to get started:

1. Donate blood

There’s probably no gift more valuable than the gift of life, right?

Every week, almost 30,000 Australians need blood donations and simply rolling up your sleeve for a donation means you’re contributing to up to 22 different medical treatments.

It’s free to donate, only takes about an hour and you get a yummy treat at the end, what’s not to love? Head to lifeblood.com.au today to check your eligibility or see where and how you can donate blood.

In a similar vein (pun intended), it’s easier than ever to register as organ donor today – you could save so many different lives in the process.

2. Lend a hand as a volunteer

Every year, millions of Aussies donate their time for the good of others by volunteering – but there’s always room for more!

Volunteering comes in many different forms – from dedicating a few hours on the weekends supporting a local sporting club, to helping a large community event run smoothly, even offering your professional skills or experience for the benefit of a small organisation making a big difference.

There’s certainly no shortage of not-for-profits and charities in need of a little extra brains or muscle, so jump onto the Volunteering WA website as a starting point or check out Volunteering Australia and Go Volunteer for more resources

3. Recycling

Upping your recycling game is not only great community practice; Mother Nature will definitely anoint you with local legend status.

But there’s a little bit of know-how needed to ensure you’re recycling as you should. For example, dis you know you’re supposed to take the lid off your empty plastic bottles before putting them in recycling?

Planet Ark is an excellent resource for navigating trickier recycling items, while Recycle Right WA even has an app to help you figure out what goes in which bin.

Growing your own produce is another great way to reduce waste, and Kleenheat have also outlined some easy ways to get composting.

4. Support a charity

If you have the means to give a little back to the community and support other local legends doing good things, why not support a charity championing a cause you care about?

With over 50,000 registered charities across Australia, there’s bound to be a cause you can get behind.

Kleenheat’s been on board with Telethon community Cinemas since 2010, partnering with the team to help turn outdoor cinema experiences into much-needed funds for local children’s charities.

Telethon Community Cinemas continues to make a positive impact on local communities and has so far raised more than $8 million in support of kids in health of physical crisis – including recent beneficiary, HorsePower Australia.

If you’re Perth-based here’s a few charities to consider, otherwise look online for a cause you might like to support.

5. Support a local muso

Music brings a lot of joy to our lives (and musicians gave a lot during Australia’s bushfire crisis), so why not give a little back to the artists?

The best way to support your favourite local artists is by buying their music and merch – putting money directly into their pockets instead of streaming giants.

Similarly, if you see a street busker that impresses you, make sure to throw a few coins in their hat. They could just be the next big thing!

6. Support local businesses

There are over 200,000 local businesses in WA alone (and more than two million nationally), and each is looking for local households to get behind them.

It can be as simple as calling up your favourite restaurant to grab some takeaway from them, or perhaps a local business you usually purchase from has shifted to a delivery model recently.

Local grocers, butchers and gift shops with locally sourced produce and goods need all the love they can get – so look local whenever you get the chance and support the local businesses that support local communities

7. Support a healthcare worker

Healthcare workers on the frontline are some of the hardest working and most at-risk in the country, so let’s all show them a bit of love.

There are organisations like Feed The Frontline and Buy-A-Meal, along with plenty of Facebook groups helping you “adopt” healthcare workers to support them as best you’re able.

We never know when friends or family might be in need of urgent care – so supporting those on hand to support you in a crisis is the gift that keeps on giving.

8. Be a good neighbour

Getting to know those who live near you and watching out for each other’s health, wellbeing and property is a great way to share some serious warm fuzzies across the neighbourhood.

Start by exchanging phone numbers, for use in an emergency, as a simple way of letting them know you care and have their interests at heart.

If your neighbours also know the car you drive and your general weekly activities, they’ll be well placed to notice any suspicious activity or sense when something might not be quite right. (Now that’s good karma.)

Jump across to the Neighbourhood Watch website for more handy tips on how you can help build a street of legends.

9. Send a gift

There are plenty of outlets who are ready and willing to help you send gifts to loved ones for that special occasion or just to let them know you care.

Flowers are quick-and-easy option to brighten someone’s day, and places like Little Posy Co, The Flower Run, Floral Army and Flower Bros will deliver them quickly and safely.

Organisations like Mettle Gifts also give back to the community, and if you’re Perth-based here’s a handy little starter-list of other ideas.

Alternatively, if you’ve got flybuys points sitting around doing nothing, Kleenheat have outlined a bunch of ways you can use them to brighten the day for friends and family.

10. Say hello and as how people are going

This last one is a simple ask, but one we reckon needs to be brought back.

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If you’re going for your daily walk, or at the shops, don’t forget to simply smile and say “g’day” to passers-by!

It can be tempting to just keep your head down and move on, but we’re all in this together, so let’s make others feel that as much as we can.

Know a local legend? Nominate them and Share the Treats.

Share the Treats is all about looking out for one another in tough times.

If you know a local legend doing good things in the community, or someone stuck at home with a serious case of cabin fever, tell Kleenheat why they deserve to be rewarded.

There are thousands of treats up for grabs – so nominate anyone deserving and help us share the love and Share the Treats.