Beam Me Up Scooty: Talking E-Scooter Sustainability And Safety With Beam

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It’s fair to say the arrival of e-rideables (e-scooters, e-bikes, e-skateboards!) to our wider society in recent years has been a source of much-discussion around the world. The benefits are obvious: reduced emissions from cars on the road, money saved on petrol, and increased public transport usage. 

They are definitely here to stay, becoming such a normal part of everyday life that late last year the Western Australian Government introduced new legislation legalising and regulating e-rideables, which you can read up on here. It’s only a matter of time before they become an increasingly preferred method of transport, so there’s no better time than now to start familiarising ourselves with how to e-ride safely for yourself and those around you!

Beam Safety

Along with personal e-rideables, an increasingly popular option is to share them around city streets, and Beam is the Asia Pacific region’s largest shared micro-mobility company. If you’ve holidayed in Brissie, Sydney, Tassie or Adelaide, or visited WA towns Bunbury, Rockingham or Esperance, there’s a good chance you’ve seen (or used) one of their purple-branded micro-mobiles around town.

With Geraldton getting in on the purple action from this weekend, and more areas across Perth soon to follow, we’ve teamed up with Beam to highlight some of the benefits of e-scooters, along with key riding rules and safety tips that will help e-scooters continue to become an important element of our sustainable future.

Read on below to school up on your micro-mobile knowledge, and if you’re interested in having a go on an e-scooter, Beam will be holding one of their flagship free Beam Safety Academy events in Perth on Saturday 10 September at Forrest Place, from 10am-3pm.

Beam’s Safety Academies feature real-world safety courses, and Safety Coaches on hand to teach everyone how to ride safely on an e-scooter.

Beam Safety

Shared E-Scooter Benefits

We touched on this above, including the obvious benefit to the planet as an emissions-free transport option, along with taking cars off the road to ease congestion and exhaust fumes. But did you also know that shared e-scooters also support local? Beam riders report that 6 out of 10 of their trips involve a trip to purchase something from a local business!

Shared e-scooters are also safer than private micro-mobiles, with speeds capped at the 25km/hr legal limit, ‘geofencing’ capabilities to ensure lower speeds in certain high traffic areas or no access to pedestrian-heavy areas, along with technology to ensure you’re obeying the riding laws. For example, wearing a helmet is mandatory when riding an e-scooter (just like a bicycle), and shared e-scooters have technology to enforce this.

Beam Helmet

Ride Kind – How To Use E-Scooters Safely

Different states across Australia have different rules when it comes to e-rideables (you can check WA’s HERE), and Beam makes it easy with their Beam Safe Academy – an online, in-app and in-person safety school to teach all riders what they are, with some additional tips on how to ride and park considerately.

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This includes things like learning the speed limits, familiarising yourself with the safety features on a Beam e-scooter, and parking rules – for example, ensuring to park your e-scooters curbside and not against the wall, and avoiding tactile pavers on the ground – to ensure those with blind or low vision can navigate the streets easily.

Beam Safety Sheet

As society grows so too will transport innovations, and it’s important everyone considers the riding kind ethos in traversing the roads as safety is everyone’s business, whether you’re on foot, on two wheels, four or more!

Learn more about Beam via the Beam Website and download the Beam App to get started.

This article is sponsored by Beam and very happily endorsed by us. Please see our Editorial Policy for more info.