Thinking About Building Your First Home? Here’s A Few Tips To Help You Choose The Right Builder

Home >News >Thinking About Building Your First Home? Here’s A Few Tips To Help You Choose The Right Builder

News in 2021 relating to the Perth property market can feel a little doom and gloom at times, particularly for young and first home buyers – but it doesn’t have to be. If you are in a financially stable enough position to enter the market, be it as a buyer or builder, there’s plenty to be excited about.

If you’re thinking about building your first home, there are a number of key areas that may feel a little overwhelming at first, but with proper research and smart decisions your life will be a whole lot easier. We’re going to tackle a host of these areas over the next few weeks with the help of the experts at New Generation Homes, starting off with arguably the most important early decision you’ll have to make – choosing the right builder.

Step 1: Research, research, research

As with any major life project, you want to make sure you research the heck out of it before jumping in the deep end. After casting the net wide, it’s recommended you drill down on at least two or three builders before making a final decision, paying special attention to what they specialise in.

Your budget will obviously dictate early on who you are able to go with, before examining specialty areas like what type of home they build (single store, double storey, granny flats, villas etc.). You may want to go with a project builder who chooses from a set of designs (make sure it’s a large selection to choose from), or if your budget allows a custom builder.

Key indicators when it comes to builder research are product reviews (and making sure those reviews are legitimate), reading testimonials and looking out for award wins. It’s also important to go a little deeper with research, and examine things like a company’s history and values, the types of homes they’ve built and any extra value-adds you’ll get if you choose a certain builder.

Step 2: Visit a display village

We’re still on the research tip, but once you’ve got a shortlist of builders it’s imperative to visit a village where your builders have some homes on display. You can research online all you want, but nothing beats physically walking around your potential future home, speaking to a consultant in person, browsing through plans and so on.

A few display options from New Generation Homes to get you started are the Parker Display in Treeby (pictured, above ), Belvoir in Ellenbrook, and Candour in Baldivis.

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Step 3: Arrange a meeting with your consultant (and come prepared)

Unless you’ve got experience in doing this (which we would suggest isn’t the case if it’s your first build), it’s important to team up with a New Home Consultant. Partnering up with a consultant who’ll help guide you through our first home build is super important, and making sure that person is the right fit with you equally so.

Check ahead with your potential consultant in regards to arriving prepared with some key questions and notes, including what designs you’re looking at, your budget, what the bonuses are for going with that builder (air conditioning, flooring etc.), what house and land packages they have, main construction methods…that kind of thing.

Head to New Generation Homes to get your new home dream started!

Cover Image: New Generations Belvoir Home Design