Perth’s Surf Park Is One Step Closer, Signs Long-Term Ground Lease For Cockburn Site

Home >News >Perth’s Surf Park Is One Step Closer, Signs Long-Term Ground Lease For Cockburn Site

After the exciting news in September last year that Perth will be finally be getting a long-awaited surf park with global surf park creator Aventuur taking the reins, today that dream became another step closer to reality.

Aventuur today announced it has signed a long-term ground lease with the Western Australian Planning Commission for the site of the Perth Surf Park in Cockburn, where it will become not only WA’s first surf park, but the largest surf park in the Southern Hemisphere.

The $100 million park is projected to welcome more than 300,000 visitors anually, creating over 260 jobs during construction and contributing over $250 million to the WA economy over the life of the project.

“It is great to see this exciting project, which will showcase Western Australia’s vibrant surfing culture, take a significant step forward with the lease agreement now confirmed,” said Minister for Transport; Planning; Ports the Hon. Rita Saffioti MLA.

“Today is an exciting milestone for Cockburn. Aventuur’s Perth Surf Park will be a fantastic drawcard and will only enhance Cockburn’s position as a magnet for families and lifestyle seekers,” added City of Cockburn Mayor Logan K. Howlett.

Aventuur Chairman and Chief Development Officer Andrew Ross was also, understandably stoked: “Surfing is a deeply ingrained part of Perth’s culture, with around 300,000 Perth locals surfing regularly or participating from time to time. Yet it’s challenging to be a Perth surfer, due to limited access to quality conditions, crowded lineups and marine hazards…

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“The Perth Surf Park will overcome these challenges, creating a world-class destination in WA that will provide opportunities for active recreation, tourism, sports development and job creation.”

The Perth Surf Park will be located on Prinsep Road, adjacent to the Kwinana Freeway and Cockburn Central, featuring a 56-module Wavegarden Cove surfing lagoon alongside accommodation, beach club, bars, restaurants, retail stores, health and wellness centres, casual workspaces, surf academy and more.

“We’re excited for a surf park in Perth, as it will deliver more quality waves for Western Australian surfers, and create a new surfing destination in the West,” said Mark Lane, CEO of Surfing WA.

Subject to approvals, the Perth Surf Park is expected to produce its first waves in 2024, and open to the public summer 2024/2025.

Head to the Aventuur website for more information.