How your Lotto tickets are improving social connections all over WA

Men's Sheds of WA Lotterywest
Home >The Dream State >How your Lotto tickets are improving social connections all over WA

While plenty of West Aussies have hit the Lotto jackpot, Lotterywest’s impact on the broader Western Australian community is where you’ll find the real winners.

We’re looking at how Lotterywest grants are helping the people of our State through a variety of different avenues, and this week we’re spotlighting Men’s Sheds of WA.

Men’s Sheds is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation providing an inclusive and welcoming space for men to work on projects and hobbies, in the process giving back to the community while making a few new mates in the process.

Men's Sheds of WA Lotterywest

People who visit Men’s Sheds cover wide-ranging cross section of the community too, with a recent survey finding 30% of Sheds have refugee or migrant members, 80% have people with disabilities, 11% have Aboriginal members, 5% have members from the LGBTQI community, and 30% have women members.

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For over a decade Lotterywest has been supporting Men’s Shed WA with over $8 million in grants, with the most recent grant of up to $533,200 funding a two year project exploring different ways of engaging with communities and developing new, more inclusive wellbeing activities.

The grant has meant Men’s Shed of WA has been able to run their own small grants program, providing seed funding for up to 80 sheds for a program focusing on the participation of marginalised, minority and disadvantaged groups at risk of experiencing prolonged impacts of social isolation.

You can learn more about Lotterywest and Men’s Sheds of WA via the Lotterywest website.

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