Working in the public sector: Finding meaningful roles while doing what you love

Public Sector Commission place of opportunity
Home >Lifestyle >Working in the public sector: Finding meaningful roles while doing what you love

Last week we introduced you to Callum, currently working in the public sector via a graduate program and enjoying a positive work/life balance that sees him keeping up with his other major passion – basketball.

This week our journey into the public sector graduate programs continues with Chelsea Wenden, whose passion for environmental sustainability has perfectly aligned with a role at the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER).

Chelsea also entered through their graduate program, and is a great example of the variety of jobs on offer in the public sector providing meaning to those who take them:

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Figuring out where to start your career can be equally exciting and nerve-racking. To learn more about what your options are the upcoming Careers Expo is a great start.

Visit the a place of opportunity booth to talk to graduate staff from different departments and hear first hand what it’s like to have a job with meaning. With more than 20 public sector graduate programs recruiting this year, there’s something for everyone.

In the meantime if you’re interested in kickstarting your career with a WA Government graduate or cadetship program visit

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